What to Expect from WordPress 5.2? A Detailed Overview

This spring, a new version of WordPress is going to see the world. What should bloggers and website owners expect from the launch? This time, the WordPress company will gladden users with numerous useful improvements, but their main focus surely is the block editor. Gutenberg gets plenty of amazing add-ons, and bug fixes with every new release and 5.2 is not an exception.

The newest version is still in progress, but we have already tested a beta version of it and are ready to share our impressions with you. In this article, we have described the significant changes and small enhancements you are going to see in your favorite site builder this April.

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Block Editor Improvements

The block editor is one of the most important and widely-used instruments of WordPress. It is known as Gutenberg, initially introduced in 5.0 version. With its help, you can add different types of content to your posts.

While previously you needed to install special plugins to do some manipulations, with block editor you already have them in-built. Some new features were added to the WordPress 5.2 block editor, which allows you to create media-rich content without a necessity to download and install additional features separately.

There are some new blocks presented in the latest version of a site builder:

  • Search block – WordPress search feature can be added to your posts now.
  • RSS block – display RSS feed right in your posts.
  • Calendar block – adds the dates to your posts and allows users to search for particular content per days.
  • Tag Cloud block – adds a tag cloud to your posts.

The Gutenberg block editor.

Fatal Error Protection Improvement

A fatal error is really disastrous for your WordPress. Well, at least, it is very annoying. When it happens, you cannot access the admin page and need to fix everything yourself with the help of another FTP client or contact WordPress’ support. This is a very tiresome procedure most website owners and bloggers know.

Gladly, WordPress 5.2 has a new recovery option for admins. Now, when a total error occurs, you receive a message that your site is having some technical difficulties. As such, you will receive an email with a login link. Follow the link, and you will enter the admin area again to undo the recent actions that have caused the problem. Not only beginners but also experienced users will find this improvement useful.

Accessibility Improvements

Now WordPress software is going to be accessible for everyone. Block editor gets even more improvements that will democratize posting:

  • Improved labeling and help text will make it easier to locate URLs.
  • Landmarks will make it easier to navigate the block editor.
  • Speak messages are improved and made more explicit.

With all these tips and hints, WordPress will become accessible from more users, from writing services to personal bloggers.

 WordPress will become accessible from more users, from writing services to personal bloggers.

Performance Improvements

New WordPress, and especially the block editor, works faster and better than the old one. Well, it will slow down when you edit long or block-flooded posts. However, significant performance improvements are waiting for you in the 5.2 version.

The speed of massive posts processing has increased by 35%. Keypress function is also speeded up for two times so that the interface will feel more responsive.

The Minimum PHP Version

Users from all corners of the world use WordPress because it is affordable and convenient. However, users’ hosting companies and environments depend on their location, so WordPress has to keep old PHP versions available. This causes some obvious problems. Unfortunately, most foreign users don’t even have an idea that they can improve their site’s functioning by switching to newer PHP.

WordPress works on this problem step by step. They increase the minimum PHP version gradually with every new release, and the 5.2 version will have 5.6, which is still far from perfect, but the chosen direction is beneficial. Users, who have old versions, will receive messages that they should make the update.

increase the minimum PHP version gradually


These are the most significant changes coming with WordPress 5.2. With all these improvements, we are going to get a faster, better, and more functional version of our favorite site-building platform. The updated block editor will provide new opportunities, so you will easily make your posts look better without downloading thousands of additional plugins.

Also, more users will surely join the platform very soon, because WordPress added a lot of helpful features and tips right into the program’s interface. Hopefully, you will find these features useful! They will certainly make your blog or website look and feel even more surprising, so wait for a while to get a full version of WordPress 5.2! Good luck with your site building!

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