The Ultimate Checklist to Skyrocket Your YouTube Channel: YouTube Marketing 101

YouTube-ing isn’t just about uploading video content and then waiting for people to find your video. You have to make your video discoverable through variegated medium and tactics. Getting plenty of viewers and subscribers isn’t hard if you get the fundamentals right.

Your YouTube growth lies in applying techniques which your subconscious has known for long, but your conscious hasn’t applied yet. This is a twenty step journey through the maze of YouTube success: covering A-Z.

Don't get caught plagiarizing

So, long story short, this infographic comprises of research-based statistics and 20 surefire guidelines that will help you grow and boost your YouTube channel in terms of loyal subscribers, massive engagement and your brand credibility.

This infographic is for you if you want to:

  • Have a YouTube channel.
  • Do not have a YouTube channel but wish to start one.
  • Want your specific videos to rank 1st in the YouTube search.
  • Leverage YouTube as a source of side income.
  • Increase your subscribers.
  • Increase your watch time and viewers.
  • Gain more audience engagement on your channel.
  • Wish to have a remarkable YouTube presence.

How to Make the Best of This Infographic Blog Post

If you want to get the most of this infographic, read the entire blog post too. It has all the vital points described in detail. No fluff, just actionable points.

In the blog post, we’ve elaborated every point and aided it with real analogies. These little examples will help you understand the digital scenario more concretely.

YouTube Marketing 101: The Ultimate Checklist to Skyrocket Your YouTube Channel

Author Bio

Riya Rathod handles overall content marketing and social media campaigns at The 20 Media. She’s focused on fostering inclusiveness in brands and products. Riya’s main interests are Digital Marketing, Design Sprints, and Yoga. On weekends, she’s highly invested in “Headstart Network” where she helps Startup ecosystem with variegated seminar sessions.

3 thoughts on “The Ultimate Checklist to Skyrocket Your YouTube Channel: YouTube Marketing 101

  1. Excellent Post. Use of Infographics is the best way to explain your thing while keeping your audience engaged. Every single point that is necessary to make your channel successful has been covered in this post. So, I have nothing to say except one thing or two.

    The most important thing that I’ll recommend is to have some patience. Some people get disappointed when they don’t see any improvement right after implementing the tips. These tips really work but take some time. If you want quick results and want to increase subscriber quickly then I’ll recommend buying real subscribers because fake subscribers give you nothing but can damage your account.

    When it comes to increasing real subscribers, ( is the best in the market. They provide quality service with excellent customer support. Besides that, they provide money back guarantee.

    People don’t have much time in this busy world to watch lengthy videos. so, I would recommend keeping your video short but engaging and informative. 5-10 minutes video would be OK.

    Embed your videos in Q&A sites. Outreach to different bloggers and convince them to include your vide in their relevant post. It drives huge traffic to your channel.

    Offer giveaway contest. You can ask the viewers to subscribe to your channel to become part of the contest.

    There are so many new things that I have learned from this post. I’ll implement those things that I have learned from this post. This is the best post that I have ever read. I love your Infographics. Can you tell me how can we create such beautiful infographics?

  2. Your article is absolutely brilliant!! Trying to find a youtube expert I can work with as tec is not my gift, content is. Can you help? I have channel you net mum. Been blundering away on this with outsourced people and no further ahead. New Zealand.

  3. Riya, that’s a useful post for any YouTuber I think. Great info graphic. I bet that gets shared lots. The Playlists tip is supposed to be a factor for ranking. My video SEO process is quite simple. I optimize my video titles, descriptions and tags using TubeSerp after using the same software to determine my keywords difficulty. That ensures it gets traction and ranking early on. Then it’s mostly down to video quality and value as the user metrics will then play a major part in the longevity of your videos.

    Keep up the valuable posts!

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