#6 WP Weekly Recap – Future of WordPress, WordPress Vulnerabilities, Backup Plugins

If you are interested in what is happening in the WordPress community we hope our WP Weekly Recap series can be beneficial for you! Here we display WP news that happened during the week.

A lot of great articles has been published this week so it was a bit difficult to pick the articles for this week’s recap. Anyway, here’s our #6 WP Weekly Recap of WordPress articles for this week.

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#6WP Weekly Recap

The Future of WordPress (2019)

We have seen WordPress updated to version 5.0 with new features such as Gutenberg, the new editor in WordPress. But what happens next? In this article written by Alex Panagis on the Modula blog, we get a glimpse of what might happens to WordPress in 2019. » Read More

WordPress Gutenberg Editor VS The Classic Editor

Gutenberg editor or the Classic editor? It is a question that has been widely discussed recently. This article from TemplateMonster discusses what Gutenberg editor is! Gutenberg comparison with Classic editor. Pros and cons of Gutenberg WordPress editor. » Read More

Possible WordPress Vulnerabilities and How to Fix Them

Possible WordPress Vulnerabilities and How to Fix Them
Image from WP Newsify.

WordPress is the largest and most popular CMS content management systems out there. But it also means that the risk of hacking attacks to WordPress websites has increased significantly. This article from WP Newsify explains what possible vulnerabilities there are and how you can fix them. » Read More

How to Migrate WordPress.com to WordPress.org (Step by Step Guide)

One of the most common questions asked in the WordPress community is – How can I Migrate WordPress.com to WordPress.org? Brian Jackson from Kinsta describes in detail in a step by step guide how you can make the migration in the best possible way. Recommended reading. » Read More

Top 10 WordPress Security Plugins 2019 (Keep Your Site Secure)

Keeping your WordPress secure is essential. WordPress is the largest CMS in the world, making WP a vulnerable target for hackers. The most common way to boost your security is to use WordPress security plugins. Solwin Infotech highlight 10 WordPress Security Plugins you can use to secure your website. » Read More

How to Fix a 502 Bad Gateway Error in WordPress

Have you experienced 02 Bad Gateway Errors on your WordPress website and wondering what it is and how to fix the problem? In this article from WPExplorer, you can learn what 502 Bad Gateway Error is and how you can fix it. » Read More

How to Use Gutenberg with WordPress Custom Post Types

How to Use Gutenberg with WordPress Custom Post Types
Image from Cloudways.

By now, most people are probably familiar with the new editor Gutenberg in WordPress! Although it may have been a changeover? Have you used custom post types in WordPress before? Does it work with Gutenberg? To get an answer to that question and get more information on this issue, you should read this article from Cloudways. » Read More

Best WordPress Backup Plugin – (Review Updated For Winter of 2019)

Backing up your WordPress is a must-do task to ensure you can restore your website if it gets hacked. Then the question is, which of all WordPress plugins available should you use? Lars Lofgren reviews five of the best WordPress backup plugins in an article on Quick Sprout. » Read More

How To Add Social Proof To Your WordPress Website

When you visit a website have you seen a small notification pop up saying that someone just bought their product? This is called Social Proof and if you want to use this feature on your own website, this article from WPKube is recommended reading. » Read More

It was the WordPress news for this week. But we return next week with news, tips, tutorial and much more. If you have WordPress news or articles to share, add a comment below or contact us via our Contact page.

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