15 Practical Solutions to Drive More Sales for the Holiday Season

As Antoine de Saint-Exupery once said, “A goal without a plan is just a wish”. So save your beautiful wishes for Christmas and New Year and start planning your website beforehand for the best holiday sales. Don’t know where to start from? Here are several key recommendations that will shed light on your future steps.

1. Optimise Your Landing Page

The landing page is where your potential future customers will get the first impression of your products and services. So, make it beautiful and festive. It is also recommended to make your discounted offers stand out. In addition, the classification of the products on your pages is also crucially important as it makes easier for your site visitors to navigate your website and find what they need.

Holiday Season - Optimise Your Landing Page

2. Integrate Useful Holiday Content on Your Blog Page

Refresh your blog page with captivating holiday content that describes your product and how it can benefit your plausible customers. Here you should also pay special attention to your headline. The latter should attract attention so as it invites visitors to go on with reading.

3. Make Bundles of Products, Avail of Add-On Sales

Grouping products and offering a discount for getting the bundle will help you sell more. Also, applying the cross-selling strategy (add-on sales) you are supposed to offer accompanying items, i.e. accessories that come to fulfill the functionality of the main product.

Make Bundles of Products, Avail of Add-On Sales

4. Classify Your Sales’ Offers

Classification of offers is crucially important as it makes your website more organized and your offers more outstanding. This way your website visitors can familiarize with your offers at first glance and great is the chance that they will choose to buy your products.

Classify Your Sales' Offers

5. Encourage Big Orders with Free Shipping

When your site visitors make an order of a big value, give them a chance to enjoy free shipping. Both buyers and sellers benefit in such a case. So, when shipping costs are excluded, buyers enjoy the convenience of ordering online and paying only for the product. Sellers, in their turn, love making big sales as they get more income.

Encourage Big Orders with Free Shipping

6. Make Use of the Exit-Intent Technology

While focusing on attracting new visitors take care not to lose the existing ones. A perfect solution created to serve this purpose is the exit-intent technology.  This comes up with a compact pop-up window making a better offer right at the time when a visitor moves the mouse to exit the website. According to numerous researches, most customers change their mind and decide to stay on the site, what’s more, they even convert.

7. Enable Social Media Sharing

Placing social popups and enabling social sharing is crucially important, but you should consider some nuances. The matter of importance is that these pop-ups should appear at a relevant time. As an example, imagine you have opened a web page and you are examining the features, the prices, and other necessary information when suddenly a window appears asking you to be redirected to another page to share it. Well, you are not yet sure that the information is valuable and will interest your friends.

Because of this, you will either close the pop-up window or will be redirected to your social pages and share the website with your friends. But what can happen later? You may be distracted by the updates and messages on your social pages, accordingly, your job on the website in question may remain half done. The same can happen to your visitors.

What’s more, when your site visitors navigate to their social pages, they might be distracted by other sales’ offers that might seem more beneficial at first sight. To avoid such cases, you just need to fix the pop-up settings so that the popup opens after some time of a visitor’s stay on your website. This way, if the product you offer is really valuable to your visitors, it will be a pleasure for them to share your page on their socials.

8. Help Your Customers Avoid the Shipping Hassle

When preparing for the holidays, it is crucially important for customers to receive the ordered item on due time. Thus, suppose you told your kid that Santa is going to bring him/her a car or a doll. What if it doesn’t come before Christmas? Well, that would mean that Santa didn’t keep his promise. To dissipate doubts and enhance trust in your customers, give them a shipping guarantee.

Help Your Customers Avoid the Shipping Hassle

9. There Is a Notion of Self-Gifting

If your business is around products that are not usually purchased to give as a present it doesn’t mean you don’t have a chance to make big sales on the holiday season. Remember self-gifters? These are people who love to pamper themselves with beautiful gifts. Actually, we don’t think these are special people. Each of us wants to buy new dresses to look more fascinating. Or else, we buy something new for the house to meet the year in a cozier and warmer atmosphere.

Suppose you are specialized in selling curtains. Though curtains are not often bought as a gift, many people buy them for their own houses. So, if you are in a similar industry, good news for you! You are not deprived of the opportunity to boost your sales during the upcoming holidays.

10. Start Building Your Email List Before the Holiday Season

If you think of running effective email marketing campaigns, you should take care to build your email list before the celebrations so as you can attract enough subscribers. The most widely used and effective strategy to collect submissions is the usage of a subscription popup on your landing page. The latter should offer something beneficial to the website visitors so that they agree to provide their email address. After you have gathered enough number of submissions, you can apply the email marketing strategy to come up with mutually beneficial offers.

11. Create a Feeling of Urgency

Create a sense of urgency to let your visitors know that nothing is eternal, not even your sales. So, close the year by offering limited-time sales’ offers for the best-selling items of 2017. Just like this:

Create a Feeling of Urgency

In addition, you can also make use of the countdown feature. This functionality comes up with a six or eight-digit window denoting days, hours, minutes and seconds decreasing and acclaiming the upcoming termination of your offer. You can either provide some space on your site to show this window or you can make it appear in a compact countdown popup. This is a window that pops up at a certain moment of your visitors’ stay on your website.

Make content appear in a compact countdown popup.

12. Include Video Tutorials on Your Website

These days people are especially diligent in searching for decorating, hairdressing and makeup video tutorials. If you are in a similar industry, don’t miss out your chance to be helpful to your audience.

Include Video Tutorials on Your Website.

13. Contribute to Your Video Marketing Campaigns Using Video Popups

Using a video popup is another useful strategy that has the potential to fulfill your video marketing campaigns. This strategy is useful for attracting attention and being exceptional as it isn’t yet so widely used by website owners. If you would like to capture attention with multiple popups, just don’t stuff them on a single page. Instead, consider distributing them on different pages of your website.

Using a video popup is another useful strategy.

14. Turn to the AdWords Service to Target Your Ad

The advertisement is vital to any business. Recognizing Google to be the most widely used search engine, irreplaceable is also the role of its advertising service. Let’s see how it works. For instance, you are a company, you represent a brand and want your brand to become famous. For this purpose, you open an account on Ad Words, write the keywords you would like to bid for and offer the maximum price you are ready to pay for those keywords. Then, Google AdWords service analyses the keywords you have suggested, the price you are ready to pay and sets the CPC (Cost per Click) price for your ad.

What is Cost per Click price? It is the amount of money Google will charge you every time your ad is clicked through by real users. But the amount of money is not the same for all of the keywords. It depends on how demanded is the keyword you would like to bid for. If you can afford to invest some budget for this purpose, this is a good option to increase the visibility of your product or services.

Turn to the AdWords Service to Target Your Ad

15. Consider Combining Online Marketing with Traditional Marketing Campaigns

If you own a local business, it would be a good idea to let your population know that there exists a product or a service like yours. In such a case, handing in beautifully designed fliers in your area and mentioning your website address will be an effective marketing strategy.

In Conclusion

Anticipating trends in development and planning your activities accordingly will always be crucially important in online marketing. And the main reason is that marketing is an ongoing process. You should always search for modern online marketing tools and strategies to increase your work productivity and to engage new customers by impressing them. And it’s not usually enough to plan the necessary steps on the go.

In addition to this, you should always be working ahead of time, namely, arrange the things before a particular occasion. And as we know, every holiday is a special occasion for website owners to drive more sales through their promotion. Consequently, the secret to success on this Christmas and New Year lies in the correct planning and website optimisation. So, all you need for Christmas is to be an active planner to outperform your competitors with your big sales.

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