Our second WP Weekly Recap post that presents WordPress news that happened during the week is here. Last week’s news about WordPress you can read here. It has been an eventful week (as always) with great WordPress news, tips,…
Author: Editorial Staff
WPBN is curated news aggregator website focusing on trending and hot news from the WordPress community.
As you probably already know, WordPress is the most popular Content Management System for blog content marketers all over the world. In fact, it is used by close to 75 million websites which are about 28% of the entire…
We from WPBN are big fans of WordPress and write about all WordPress related things such as WordPress themes and plugins here on our website. We recently decided to put together a list each week with selected articles published…
You’ve been working with Elementor, and feel confident while creating pages with this intuitive page builder. Yet, sometimes you feel like it’s not enough, and this brings you right to the marketplaces where you look for plugins and templates…
There is no doubt about the popularity and usability of WordPress which empowers a supremely high number of sites around the world. It’s continuously increasing popularity is making it a Good choice for the hacking attacks. Hackers usually attack…