WordPress 5.1.1 Is Now Available

As you surely are aware of, WordPress 5.1 “Betty” was released about 3 weeks ago. I hope you have updated your WordPress website by now?

As usual, this version, WordPress 5.1 was also dedicated to a jazz musician. Version 5.1 honored the jazz vocalist Betty Carter.

Don't get caught plagiarizing

In WordPress 5.1 we noticed a number of new and updated features such as site health and editor performance. Which looks good for the future.

As usual, a security release is released soon after a major release to fix any bugs and security risks. This time was no exception.

WordPress 5.1.1

WordPress 5.1.1 is now available for download. A new version of WordPress has just been released. It is a security and maintenance release with 10 fixes and improvements. It was announced by Luke Carbis on the WordPress blog here.

Moreover, WordPress 5.1.1 contains some additional security fixes such as, how comments are filtered and stored in the database.

Previously, a maliciously crafted comment in WordPress was vulnerable to cross-site scripting. This problem is now resolved.

These bugs related to WordPress 5.1 and earlier versions are now fixed in WordPress 5.1.1.

Other highlights included in WordPress 5.1.1.

  • Hosts can now offer a button for their users to update PHP.
  • The recommended PHP version used by the “Update PHP” notice can now be filtered.
  • Several minor bug fixes.

See the full list of changes on Trac.

Another new update and version of WordPress are to expected within two weeks. WordPress will then be updated to version 5.1.2.

To update your website to the latest version WordPress 5.1.1. Go to your DashboardUpdates and click Update Now. If your website supports automatic updates, your site will be updated automatically shortly.

Have you updated your WordPress website to WordPress 5.1.1 yet?

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