Is WordPress becoming the SAP of CMS’s?

CMS works like an exclusive part of any digital marketing strategy these days as there are many ways in which it is a critical aspect.

Any company, regardless of the size and nature of the business it is doing can depend upon CMS a lot and WordPress is virtually synonymous with CMS as most of us know only about it as a CMS.

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On the other hand, SAP is also the undisputed king in its domain and companies now can run most of their business by using the latest suites offered by it. That’s why I am trying to compare WordPress and SAP in this blog here.

WordPress and SAP are like Numero Uno in their respective fields. Surely SAP is an altogether different category as the world’s top companies rely on the tools and suites offered by SAP.

The reason for offering this comparison is not something that will amaze as it is a long time in waiting.

WordPress’s dominance is what has made me write this blog so that you can have an idea about what WordPress is all about and why this comparison is happening in the first place.

WordPress has Virtually Killed all the Competition

Is WordPress becoming the SAP of CMS's? - WordPress has Virtually Killed all the Competition

There are many CMSs that you can use and most of them offer you any service regarding them entirely for free. That’s the real beauty and advantage of using a CMS for any company.

But WordPress is the de-facto leader now and there is not much to talk about in terms of the competition.

More than 30% of the companies in the market are currently using WordPress for all their CMS needs and the rest are making a quick move towards WordPress. So, the future is quite rosy for WordPress.

Through SAP and its flagship product ERP, companies use Operations, Financials, and Corporate Services in a much better way. SAP is recognized worldwide as the benchmark for making any business seamless and extremely easy to use.

One of the top advantages of using SAP is it allows easy and automatic integration of many aspects like currency exchange rates and language, for example.

So as SAP looks to dominate the market scene, similarly, there is huge potential for WordPress to make a similar impact.

Final Word

There are many ways in which WordPress helps companies from a simple reseller of electronic parts to a New York web design agency looking to get their customers in hordes.

That’s where some challenges lie ahead for WordPress as its competitors are leaving no stone unturned in challenging its dominance.

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