#8 WP Weekly Recap – WordPress 5.1.1, Anchor Links and SVG Support

Have you written and published any articles this week on your WordPress website? We hope you got great feedback!

From the WordPress community, we have read lots of excellent articles this week. As you probably know by now, we at WPBN list the best articles we find during the week in our series WP Weekly Recap.

Don't get caught plagiarizing

We have searched high and low and we have boosted a list with 10 great articles for you.

Hope you guys like our collection of WordPress articles?

Here’s the week’s news in #8 WP Weekly Recap.

#8 WP Weekly Recap

WordPress 5.1.1 Security and Maintenance Release

WordPress 5.1.1 which is a security and maintenance release was recently released. This is a version that contains 14 fixes to increase the security with regard to maliciously crafted comments and more. Have you updated to WordPress 5.1.1? » Read More

How To Fix ‘Failed To Load Resource’ Error In WordPress

Have you faced the error message Failed To Load Resource on your WordPress website? It can be a problem that is difficult to solve because of compatibility issues with plugins and also HTTPS URL issues. WPKube has a great tutorial on how to solve this problem. » Read More

A Master Plan for Securing Your WordPress Site Against Threats

#8 WP Weekly Recap This article helps you with crucial strategies for boosting the security of your WordPress site.
Image courtesy of WP Newsify

Because WordPress is the most popular and most used content management systems (CMS), the platform is exposed to more threats and hacking attempts than any other CMS. This article from Catherrine Garcia helps you with crucial strategies for boosting the security of your WordPress site. » Read More

How to Create Anchor Links in WordPress (4 Easy Methods)

Do you know how to create anchor links in WordPress? Or why you should use them? It is a great help to improve the user experience for your visitors. Read Brian Jackson’s excellent article on how to create anchor links at Kinsta. » Read More

How to Add SVG Support to WordPress Media Uploader

As you probably know, you can upload many file formats via the media uploader in WordPress except SVG files. In this article from CSSIgniter you will find out more about SVG and how you can add support for this file format in WordPress. » Read More

6 Best WordPress Popup Plugins For List Building (Or Anything Else)

Many of us who have WordPress websites use a WordPress popup plugin to promote deals or grow our email list. But which of all popup plugins is best? This article from Blogging Wizard lists 6 of the best WordPress popup plugins. » Read More

Did You Remember to Do These 5 Things Before Launching Your WordPress Site?

If you are considering starting a WordPress website, you may not know there are a lot of things to prepare before launching your WordPress site? In order for you not to forget important things, we advise you to read this article from 1stWebDesigner. » Read More

How to Use Beaver Builder to Build a WordPress Website

Learn how to use Beaver Builder to build a WordPress website.

There are lots of page builders you can use to create great and attractive WordPress websites. In this article from GoDaddy, you can learn how to use the Beaver Builder plugin to build an awesome WordPress website. » Read More

6 Best WordPress LMS Plugins Compared (Pros and Cons)

If you are considering using an LMS (Learning Management System) plugin on your WordPress website, which one should you choose? WPBeginner lists and compares 6 of the best WordPress LMS plugins in this article. » Read More

How Brexit Will Affect WordPress Plugin and Theme Sellers

If or when Brexit begins, this also means a lot of problems for WordPress plugin and theme sellers such as EU VAT collection and payment. This article from Freemius is a must-read if you want to understand more how Brexit will affect both plugin and theme companies. » Read More

It was all for this week. We see you again soon with great new articles. Remember, if you find or have written an awesome WordPress article. Let us know via our Contact page so we can share it on a WP Weekly Recap article.

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