Which Consumers Trust Influencers?

Instagram has been on the rise over the past decade.

It’s created a way to market to the masses. It sparked the term social media influencer.

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Who Is an Influencer?

An influencer is a person that has the trust of an audience for varying reasons, such as an engaging personality or domain expertise.

You can work remotely, and there are added benefits of free merchandise, trips or discounts, and the compensation. The influencer lifestyle can be full of perks.

Why Brands Pay for Influencers

On the other side of influencer marketing, brands see a considerable return on investment (ROI). They spend money upfront for their products and services to be shared on social media ahead of product launches, rebranding, or events to draw crowds to their business.

You can reach people in different parts of the world that you wouldn’t usually be able to access. Brands of all sizes and varying budgets are tapping into this fast-growing method of marketing.

Do People Trust Influencers?

The question remains, who cares about the sponsored content? With brands searching for more influencers, inBeat felt it necessary to know who was listening to influencers the most. We’ve created a visual of the results from past conducted surveys we found through our research.

This infographic looks at the different demographic traits of people and how it affects their overall trust in social media influencers.

The 55 to 64 cohort is much less trusting of influencers than the millennial cohort. Online social media influencers are typically younger and more relatable to the 25 to 34 age group.

Do People Trust Influencers?

So, there you have it.

Influencer marketing is relative to a lot of people. Furthermore, with the aid of this infographic, now you know who to target when considering this marketing approach.

People are listening to what the influencer has to say, and that won’t change anytime soon.

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