Top Responsive Web Design Trends Dominating the Mainstream in 2024

Web designing trends are continuously evolving, but the intention has always remained the same and that is to provide the best user experience. New technology advancements have already changed the way of interaction between websites and users.

A website following traditional design patterns may not perform well in the upcoming months, so better to be aware of the modern and trendy design paradigms to make it attractive and user-friendly. We have compiled some major web design trends that will dominate in 2024.

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Top Responsive Web Design Trends

Glitch Art

Glitch Art is a retro art that will give you a memory of a malfunction by a DVD player.

Glitch Art – A pixelated video stream with a touch of retro art will give you a memory of a malfunction by a DVD player that was making noises and got frozen in the middle. But those glitches have come into consideration by the designers recently.

You will stumble on many websites that use images and photographs with visually corrupted visual effects.

Why not stage those errors and recreate themes based on an innovative glitch art process that has been linked with the technologies snag with the creator’s masterpiece?

It amplifies a stupefying look that is cringe-worthy in its presentation. The essence of glitch art is perpetuated by the unpredictable corruption of digital or analog sources that can be wrapped up in distinctively unpredictable technological chaos.

Asymmetrical Layouts

The asymmetrical layout features a cohesive design that tends to be interesting and dynamic. For some people, symmetrical shapes are too predictable and boring.

Representing the design elements in unique ways to achieve a balance in a meaningful format with space, text, or other approaches. Bring an eye-catching design with a great attraction to the viewers.

Asymmetrical layout refers to a broken grid system. That confronts the creative use of nonparallel visual hierarchy to distract the eye on where to look. These web design trends and styles are often hard to execute and it is ideal to utilize these in landing pages or portfolio websites.

Micro Animations

An animated swipe action encourages the user to acquire more information

Introducing micro animations on your website facilitates navigation and can manifest the changes more clearly.

Animations can simplify a long story and create an engaging moment among the users. These animations assist people to take the desired actions and provoke them to provide feedback. These are powerful communication tools that assist them in initiating a better user experience.

An animated swipe action encourages the user to acquire more information and keeps them engaged with interactive interactions. For instance, an animated swipe gesture can generate the transition from one piece of content to another.

By analyzing the user’s behavior you can place these animations in the various sections of your website.

By animating a certain feature, you can direct the focus of the user on an important element that may lead to a valuable conversion.

Abstract Shapes

Abstract shapes are building blocks that are the prominent part of real-life objects that appear very appealing to the human eye. With a blend of multiple sequences, the basic shapes are transformed into finished pieces.

These shapes are highly utilized in graphic designing projects as behind every shape, there is a hidden meaning. The shapes signify a simple visual presentation of any brand that conveys its message in an intellectual spectrum.

The seamless triangles, squares, and rectangles at random places on the website hold the attention of the users and make your website stand out among others. These shapes take less time to load as images and create an aesthetic look that the user can’t resist bypassing.

Video Headers

Videos have always proven to be effective in creating a perfect outlook for your website. To showcase your services, products, discounts, and offers, a video header has always played an important role in generating maximum user retention. Allowing users to explore more and it is almost impossible to ignore the manifested storyline.

If used wisely, these video headers give an artistry touch. And make your website look modern with a great impact on your business as well.

People are always fascinated by creative ideas. So it’s better to introduce your touch of creativity to bring out a whole new experience for users. A brilliant amalgam of colors with the addition of emotional messages can create a captivating and convincing scenario for your visitors.

Also, it is not necessary to showcase a story behind any video in your website’s header. Only clear images with sharp colors or minimal backgrounds with text over can work best for your brand.

3D illustrations

3D illustrations gain serious attraction to the users.

2019 seems to bring revolution in visually appealing 3D visuals. 2D illustrations seem to be a thing of the past. In the 3D illustration, the real-life objects are presented by imitating and reshaping them into a 3-dimensional masterpiece.

When mixed with trendy styles the 3d illustrations generate a seamless impact on users. The most interactive site’s experience created by 3D illustrations assists in gaining serious attraction by the users.

By minimizing the boundaries between the physical and digital world. The designers are eager to bring out an incremental evolution in the design industry in the year 2019. Rendering the digital elements into attractive 3D graphics can do wonders for your website.

Voice User Interface

The interaction of a user with a website with minimal features and with one with rich graphics and features hugely differ. The main conception behind any developed website is to come out with the best user experience.

Voice-based user interfaces have come to light recently and the huge positive audience response has insisted developers come out with more enriched features that allow overcoming the lack of communication errors.

With the success of virtual digital assistants like Amazon’s Alexa, Apple Siri, and Google Assistant already have made their marks and are ideal to create great interaction with users. This growing VUI technology appears to boost in 2019 with new delightful things and upgraded features.


Web design trends will not remain the same as new innovations will replace the existing ones. So be ready for the upcoming surprises and embellish your website with fresh and amazing features to stay ahead in making conversions.

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