Design Resources and Tools Brought to You by

As a designer, you will regularly use fonts, graphics, images and stock photography. You’ll also depend on other handy design resources to effectively do your job. The list of things you need may seem endless and overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to break your wallet. The online world is flooded with sites that offer design resources. They provide packages of excellent fonts and stunning graphics. There is also a wealth of free resources available if you have a limited budget. One particular resource that many professional designers recommend is

What Is

Pixelo is a website for graphic designers and other creatives.

Pixelo is a website for graphic designers and other creatives. It features curated bundles that generally include graphics, fonts, and stock photography. Some deals only offer fonts while others only provide images. But every Pixelo bundle aims to help designers do their job right. is one of the top platforms for finding designer resources online. The bundles are often marked down, so even those with a limited budget can get what they need. But even if the bundles are discounted, the quality of what’s inside is top-notch.

There is a team that specifically curates the design tools. Each graphic bundle is organized per concept or theme. Each font kit is sorted out per style or motif. So, the bundles and kits available on the site are guaranteed to help designers with their project.

The best part is the website is user-friendly. Unlike other design resources, Pixelo has a simple and no-fuss web design. Navigating the site is easy, and so is the download process. for Designers and Creatives

Designers need a special mix of skill, creativity, guts and business savvy. This mixture needs constant nurturing. Another unique mix designers need is that of design resources. These are essential to having a thriving career in the field. is specially created for designers and creatives. Every single thing found on the site is there to help designers accomplish their tasks. The website is not necessarily just for professional or experienced designers. It’s also a great starting point for amateur designers who want to develop their skills.

The Pixelo team collaborates with various experts in the design community. The bundles and kits on the site are the fruits of the labor of designers from all over the world. The designers and the Pixelo team have one goal in mind. They want to offer high-quality design resources to those who need them. Professional and novice designers alike can take advantage of Pixelo bundles. These design resources are also available for design companies and freelancers.

There are tons of wonderful things designers can get from Pixelo. But there’s one thing that you need to remember: the bundles are only available for a limited period. Once a bundle expires, you can no longer purchase it. To avoid missing out on a great deal, designers are encouraged to sign up for Pixelo’s newsletter. Another option is to visit the site every day to see what the current bundles are.

Benefits and Perks That Designers Can Expect from Pixelo

Benefits and Perks That Designers Can Expect from Pixelo

Designers don’t have to look for other resources once they start with The site offers the best tools designers can use for their projects. Each bundle can undoubtedly improve a design and speed up the process. After all, the website aims to help designers in all the creative aspects of their work. Those who purchase a Pixelo bundle can enjoy:

  • Great Offers – is known for its marked down prices. And by ‘marked down’, it means huge discounts on various design tools. For a limited period, Pixelo offers up to 95% discount on their bundles and kits.
  • Hassle-Free Process – As mentioned above, the website is user-friendly. Designers don’t have to go through several pages of this and that just to buy and download a bundle. Once the purchase is made, the download link for the bundle will be sent to you. It will permanently be available on your Pixelo account. It’s also possible to download the bundle again at any given time.
  • Curated Design Tools – The Pixelo team follows a unique process to decide what goes into a bundle or a kit. They sort out design tools based on several categories. These include quality, trends, colors and textures. Each curated bundle and kit guarantees to be of use to designers who have a specific theme in mind.
  • Regular Updates and Trends – The site is community-driven. As such, Pixelo is always up to date with design trends. Both the team and the designers who submit their work keep up with what’s hot in the design industry.
  • Money-Back Guarantee – Not a lot of websites that offer design resources provide a money-back guarantee. Pixelo does. If for any reason, a designer is unhappy with their bundle, they can contact Pixelo’s customer service. A refund may be available. That said, the money-back guarantee is only applicable to requests made within a month of the sale. The designer also needs a good, valid reason for their dissatisfaction.
  • Impressive Customer Care – Any question about a bundle or a kit is welcome. Designers can contact Pixelo’s customer service whenever they need help.
  • Save Time, Money and Other Resources – Pixelo delivers bundles and kits that are meticulously chosen. They take the time to sort out the tools to help designers save time, money and other resources. For a discounted price, designers can have a selection of amazing design bundles. These are kits that they can use for their current projects, but also for future work. net is intended for designers who need high-quality, budget-friendly design resources.

Pixelo Offers More Than Just Technical Help

Design Resources - Pixelo Offers More Than Just Technical Help

Any professional whose job requires creativity and imagination is likely prone to work stress. Working under immense pressure isn’t an easy thing to do. Designers don’t only have clients and bosses to impress – they also need to impress themselves. To prevent work-related stress and ensure a job well done, be smart in choosing your tools and resources. This is where Pixelo comes in. is the lending hand that designers and creatives need to avoid work stress. With Pixelo’s bundles, you can finish your projects on time, and with much success. Through its convenient tools and resources, the website can actually help reduce work pressure.

It’s impressive for a designer to make their own graphics or shoot their own photos. But most of the time, it’s simply impractical. This is especially true if you’re juggling several projects at once. Using Pixelo bundles and kits can cut your work time in half. The time and money you save from using Pixelo can be used for other activities. You can accept new projects. Have more time to edit your work. You can let go of the stress and become more productive.

How to Join Pixelo’s Affiliate Program is for designers. That fact should be at the forefront because it’s nothing but the truth. The site doesn’t just offer amazing design resources for professional and amateur designers. It also allows designers to earn extra cash.

To do just that, join the Pixelo Affiliate Program. You can recommend a bundle to other designers or refer them to the site. Once they make a purchase, you can get up to 30% commission. Ready to become an affiliate? Here’s how:

  • Go to this page to sign up for the site’s affiliate program.
  • Set up a profile.
  • Wait for the Pixelo team to check your application.
  • Go to your account once your application is approved.
  • Look for the affiliate details sent to you.
  • Start sharing your custom referral link.

Note that to get your commission from your referrals, you must have:

  • An active PayPal account. Your commission will be sent within five days of the transaction’s end month.
  • At least one active social media account. Pixelo’s affiliate program prefers Facebook or Twitter.
  • An active website or blog where you can post your referral link. Bundles and Kits

Pixelo provides just enough bundles and kits at a time so as not to overwhelm designers. Each bundle may have fonts, images, graphics, textures, brushes and other design items. The wide spectrum of design resources gives you choices that are normally unavailable elsewhere. These tools can readily be added to any of your design projects.

The variety also provides a distinctive quality to your work. Each Pixelo bundle or kit consists of:

  • An array of design tools that are specifically curated based on their quality and theme.
  • A single-purchase benefit. Once you purchase a bundle, you’ll have it in your account permanently. You may also download the bundle as many times as you want.
  • Links to sources that are related to the theme of the bundle.
  • 24/7 customer support.
  • Special security features to protect your files.
  • A detailed PDF designer guide. is the top design resource that you wouldn’t want to miss. Its bundles and kits can be a remarkable help to further enhance your design project. Using Pixelo is also a terrific marketing strategy, thanks to its affiliate program.

To check out the current bundles available, visit now.

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