The Ultimate Guide to Customer Acquisition for Small Businesses

When it comes to customers, there are all sorts of pressures on business. For starters, you already have a pool of existing customers that you need to worry about. Have they made just one purchase, and if so, how can you get them back to make more sales with your business, and when will they do so? Have you done enough with those previous sales in order to make it worthwhile for them to return?

Then, of course, there are those customers that have had a poor experience with your company. They might have completed a sale or two but something happened and they don’t want to do business with you anymore. Is there any way that you can convince them to do otherwise? If not, what can you learn about that transaction that can help you do things better in the future?

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And finally, there are those people for whom you haven’t done business yet — those new customers. Those customer acquisitions do indeed present both challenges and opportunities for you. You have to grow your customer base; you cannot be content with just doing business as usual.

But because you don’t have a relationship with them, you may not understand their needs. So how can you learn about the customer acquisition journey in order to appeal to those pain points?

Unfortunately for many companies, the problem is even tracking leads and acquisition. Too many businesses don’t do this and they don’t understand the lifetime value that a customer might provide to a company. They also aren’t doing enough in order to improve the demand generation of their company, meaning putting their messaging and information out on different channels to appeal to a wider range of people.

What can you do to improve? This graphic from Salesforce explains it in more detail.

The Ins and Outs of Customer Acquisition for Small Businesses

Via Salesforce

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