#1 WP Weekly Recap – WordPress 5.1 Beta 1, Elementor Acquires Layers WP & How to Fixing SSL Issues

We from WPBN are big fans of WordPress and write about all WordPress related things such as WordPress themes and plugins here on our website. We recently decided to put together a list each week with selected articles published in the WordPress community during the past week.

There are so many great blogs in the WordPress community that publish great content and news every week and to highlight some of them we have created our series – WP Weekly Recap.

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Here’s our first article:

#1 WP Weekly Recap

WordPress 5.1 Beta 1

WordPress 5.1 Beta 1 has been released. As always with Beta versions, it is recommended you do not run it on your production site. Only in a test environment. It is the beginning of the road to WordPress 5.1 which is scheduled to be released February 21. If you are interested in helping out to find bugs, just install a test environment, install WordPress 5.1 Beta 1 and go on bug hunting! » Read More

Elementor Acquires Layers WP

Elementor has acquired the WordPress theme company Layers. The announcement is available on Elementor’s blog. Layers were launched in 2014 by David and Marc Perel. Which is actually founders of another big WordPress brand – Obox Themes. Elementor now releases all Layers themes for free and are available for download via the Layers website. » Read More

Effective and Convenient Methods of Fixing SSL Issues on WordPress

Securing your website with an SLL certificate is very important for protecting your website and it also helps to improve your SEO ranking. But there are common errors that can occur when you migrate from HTTP to HTTPS. This article deals with effective methods of fixing common SSL issues on WordPress websites. » Read More

WordPress, JavaScript, and PHP Conferences to Add to Your Calendar in 2019

It is time to plan WordPress events and other conferences for 2019. If you like WordPress and the community, there are a number of WordCamps that will take place during the year to come. For example, WordCamp Europe 2019 and WordCamp US 2019. Book your tickets and add the events to your calendars. » Read More

How to Fix a 403 Forbidden Error on Your WordPress Site

You have probably seen different error messages on websites, but when it occurs on your own website it is worrying how to solve the problem. In this article from Kinsta, Brian Jackson writes about how to fix a 403 forbidden error on your WordPress site. » Read More

4 Ways to Handle Missing Images on a Website … #Beginner-Friendly

Missing pictures on a website or in an article can happen sometimes. But how can you make the images appear again? There are different solutions and in this article from Themeisle there are four solutions that can help you restore your pictures on your website. » Read More

Squarespace vs WordPress – Which one is better? (Pros and Cons)

There are a number of platforms and CMS (content management systems) to choose from. Sometimes it can be a difficult task to find which one suits you best. But if you choose between Squarespace and WordPress, we recommend that you read this article from WPBeginner. Here you can compare Squarespace vs WordPress and the pros and cons. » Read More

WordPress Gutenberg Block Plugins: Comparing Stackable, Atomic Blocks, and Otter Blocks

The new and highly discussed block editor in WordPress Gutenberg is included in the release WordPress 5.0. In this article from iThemes, they take a closer look at three different WordPress Gutenberg block plugins that add additional blocks to the Gutenberg WordPress editor. The plugins are Stackable, Atomic Blocks and Otter Blocks. » Read More

How to Test Your Site for Updating to Gutenberg (WordPress 5.0)

As you probably have heard, the new block editor Gutenberg has caused a lot of websites to stop working due to the compatibility of themes and plugins. To be on the safe side, there are solutions to test if your WordPress website works with Gutenberg and WordPress 5.0. Highly recommended to be done before updating. » Read More

11 Online Places To Learn WordPress Inside And Out (Paid And Free Options)

If you want to learn more about WordPress inside and out! It can be difficult and time-consuming to find useful WordPress resources that teach about WordPress. Elegant Themes has put together a great list of WordPress classes and resources to give you a good start to your learning. » Read More

I hope you enjoyed our first post  – #1 WP Weekly Recap. If you have WordPress news to share please leave a comment or contact us via our contact form here.

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