Top Procedures for Crafting an Attractive WordPress Landing Page

A landing page of any website is a modified web page that is designed particularly to funnel visitors from adverts social media referrals and convert them to clienteles. A landing page is vastly targeted to elevate a business’ sales. It is quite important for any entity or business to have a landing page.

This is the first page where somebody who has been referred to the website ‘lands.’ A great landing page will entice the customer to make a purchase decision. With it, influence them how great the product or service is and make them want to purchase it.

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The landing pages will help upsurge sales, build up conversions and encourage signing up. Landing pages can be a standalone page, that means it does not have to be essentially linked with a business’ homepage.

What Is the Exact Difference Between a Homepage and a Landing Page?

The difference between a landing page and a homepage is that a homepage is generic in nature. A homepage is used to familiarize a visitor to the complete business activities. From that place, the visitor can then discover and select what they want to see on their own.

On the other hand, a landing page is very specific in nature. It is crafted to target a single promotion with one goal, either for sale or sign up. Through anding pages, you can have particular squeeze pages to narrow down the visitor’s attention to some products or services. You can also add ‘buy now’ button. A WordPress Landing Page can lure your customers to click on a call to action button because there are usually no distractions or unnecessary info that can steal the visitor’s attention.

What Exactly Is WordPress?


WordPress is a popular website making a platform in the world today. You can create and customize landing pages within WordPress. You earn profits and gain the best of results. To frame a great WordPress landing page, you need to first have a plan and the desired design in mind. A plan includes establishing goals. You should ask what you want to get from the customers?

1. Have a Content Structure

WordPress offers great page composers that can use to give a start when making your landing page. It also provides many free WordPress themes to help make your page in an attractive way as possible. This will also save your time as compared to when you will be making a page code from the start.

2. Decide on How Your Landing Page Is All About

Crafting a (USP) Unique Selling Proposition offers the answer to what your page is all about. After directing the customer to the landing page, he or she will be asking themselves the why query: Why am I here? This is where the Unique Selling Proposition comes into action. To be a unique selling proposition, make sure that you have a:

  • Attractive headline.
  • Subtitle.
  • Backup statements.
  • Closing statement.

The headline should be attractive. It is the first thing that the customers will notice after landing on your landing page. An eye-catching headline will make them feel that they are at the best place. The sub-headline works to support the headline. The backup statement and closing statement is the most convincing aspect for the customers to buy a product or service.

3. Keep Your Landing Page’s Link Short

It is advisable to keep your landing page’s links shorter. Keeping the links shorter can help the customers to remember it.

4. Install a Drag and Drop WordPress Theme

Using Divi, the users can swiftly add a new landing page.

The drag-and-drop options are the most versatile options. One of the themes which are quite popular is Divi. Using Divi, the users can swiftly add a new landing page, and make a custom layout using drag-and-drop boxes.

5. Align and Design Used With the Brand

A landing page should align with the websites look and brand. There must be a link between the website and the page for easy memory.

6. Ensure There Are No Exit Points

On the classic webpage, you want lots of links to help visitors explore your website. But, when it comes to the landing page, you want just one link, which is the call-to-action. There should be no exit points as they will lead your customers somewhere else.

Wrapping Up

So, these were some of the best procedures one must undertake to craft a WordPress Landing Page. Go through them and gain profits for your website.

Disclosure: Some of the links in this post are “affiliate links.” This means if you click on the link and purchase the item, I will receive an affiliate commission.

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