How to Start a Blog in 2020 – Beginners Guide [Infographic]

If you are planning to create a blog and don’t know exactly how to start a blog, there are some important things that you have to know about.

Nowadays, daily hundreds of new blogs are started, and within month or two months, almost 90 to 95% of blogs are getting closed. The reason is many of them don’t know how to start a blog and furthermore run it successfully.

Don't get caught plagiarizing

Blogging is not an overnight game where you get thousands of views, and your blog gets popular. To make it popular, you have to work hard continuously with the same dedication and with passion. But you also have to learn essential tips that can help you to make your blog viral.

Here is a visual Guide on how to start a blog in 2020 for beginners. In this guide, we show the whole process of creating a blog in 11 easy steps.

Here are the steps to create a blog.

  1. Select Your Niche
  2. Choose Domain Name
  3. Purchase Webhosting
  4. Install WordPress
  5. Build Your website
  6. Write an Article
  7. Use SEO Tactics
  8. Monetize Your Blog
  9. Promote your content
  10. Create Backlinks
  11. Rank #1 on Google

How to Start a Blog in 2020 Infographic By the team at

How to Start a Blog in 2020

HostTeach is a company that writes Hosting Reviews, Comparison, and Tutorials For helping everyone to a successful online presence.

One thought on “How to Start a Blog in 2020 – Beginners Guide [Infographic]

  1. Great post! Covers everything for beginners. Especially loved your info graphics!

    When it comes to starting a website, i always focus on the start with the WHY approach.

    The pre-development phase. Your clear “WHY” help you stay motivated for your website project, make all your future decisions super easy and help you keep developing your website with a purpose.

    Your “WHY” will help you keep your website simple, unambiguous and less distracted, which will help your buyer and customers to buy from you or join your cause.


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