How Email Marketing Can Fight Phishing Emails?

Phishing emails are becoming a significant concern and is gaining attention due to recent multiple scams through phishing emails.

Phishing emails are becoming a whole new dark world in itself.

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So phishing emails involve conning people by sending eye-catching deceptive emails. It’s effortless to puzzle users through catchy headlines and trick them afterward.

Phishing emails are becoming a significant concern

A Direct Threat for Your Confidentiality

Emails are a very convenient method to reach out to millions of users at a time. Hence these phishing emails impact a large number of users directly and act as potential malware for your systems, intellectual property, or money.

As it is, cloud technology is advancing day by day, so it takes not more than minutes to blowout such deceivable emails. Within a matter of minutes, this issue can be escalated to a whole new level.

Technology itself can acting as an incendiary factor.

Technology Itself Is Acting as an Incendiary Factor

The main thing that is getting disparaged here is cybersecurity. It is all working against the primary purpose of cybersecurity of securing personal information and the integrity of users. They usually attack people working in corporate organizations.

Hence, it has become very significant to arrange for essential basic training associated with cybersecurity. It will give them a basic idea of how to stay aware of usual scams and what to open and what not to.

These phishing emails are generally sent under attractive names or trusted sources like “YouTube,”Reserve Bank,” etc. It is all termed as “Clickbait” which majorly has a bad reputation in the market. This is generally used to derive the user’s attention in the middle of other stuff.

Phishing emails are generally sent under attractive names or trusted sources.

Emails Like These Under the Name of Leading Social Media Giant Are Usually Fake

Here is another message under the name of a trusted bank.

Another Phishing Email Under the Name of a Trusted Bank

How Email Marketers Can Help Fight Against Phishing Emails

Email marketing is something that professionals dote. It has not been long since email marketing has become a legit business. This is considered to be the best for ROI (Return on Investment). It has been observed that online purchasing was impacted by up to 66% just by email marketing campaigning.

This is the power of email marketing. It is an excellent way to keep a record of your customers and reach them with a personalized experience. Building trust through emails is easy and thus is considered to be value for money.

Email security is considered to be the central prop that is holding the trust of millions. Security is something that could be least asked by any user from the email marketing service provider.

According to research, 97% of the people around the world cannot identify the difference between an authentic and a phishing email. It is after when they are scammed once or twice when they start recognizing the difference.

The onus lies on email administrators in email hosting service providers. They are the most aware experts in this field and can help the end-users to keep the junk emails away from their Inbox.

Phishing emails are becoming the optimal medium for the phishers as well as the virus attackers and has made this issue to be of supreme importance.

Let’s dive more deeply into it to understand how this complex mechanism is carried out so smoothly.

  • Ok, so one of the most famous ways is through spoofing. In this, emails are made to look authentic by hiding the actual name of the company in the technical header of the email. The legitimacy of the email is increased by copying big company logos and making the company domain similar to any of the other trusted brands. After doing all this, it becomes a child’s play to deceive any person. Once the user clicks the email, they are directed to some malicious website.
  • To RSA (Royal Society of Arts), a phishing attack is made every minute. Among them, email users count to be a significant part. If 50% of them are receiving these kinds of phishing emails, then approximately 11% of them open them. Not even individual users, big companies working with highly qualified professionals have been victims of it.

Phishing emails are the optimal medium for the phishers as well as the virus attackers.

Here are some steps which can help you to stay away from any forgery or scam.

  • Doubly check before clicking any email even if it is coming from “Google” itself.
  • Check the subject line very thoroughly.
  • Don’t fall for salutations like “Valuable customers,” “Trusted source,” etc.
  • Just abstain from giving out any information related to banking.
  • Don’t ignore even the small spelling mistakes inside the email.
  • Never overlook the signature inside the email body.

Out of all these thinking rationally would help you the most and stay aware of the current news related to scams and phishing. If you are a brand owner, phishing would impact and cost you the most. This can lead to large scale losses in no time.

Being an email marketer, it’s your responsibility to educate your clients on how to keep their email environment protected. For the starters, you can make a common portal to educate common ways to how to keep yourself protected and updated with all the new ways users are getting deceived.

Advise them to use firewalls and anti-virus tools actively. Not those free trial ones but the legit paid subscribed anti-viruses. Collaborating with other departments also makes your network much more secure and a nutcracker. Some of the authentication protocols work well like:

  • Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM).
  • Sender Policy Framework (SPF).
  • DMARC (Domain-based Message Authentication Reporting and Conformance).

In Conclusion

In a nutshell, keeping your eyes and minds open while dealing with either professional or personal emails can fight phishing email issues the most. We hope this guide may help you in being aware and keeping your information secured.

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