WordPress Basics for Small Businesses: Choosing a Domain Name

A functional website is an important part of a successful business. WordPress is one of the best options to opt for when selecting a platform for a new website.

Website domain and hosting are two of the most important elements for setting up a website.

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Selecting the Right Domain Name

Selecting the right website domain name is crucial to your success. A domain is your website address. Wrong selection of a domain will result in a hassle (to switch it) and will also hurt search rankings. This makes it important for all businesses, whether small or large to choose the best domain right from the get-go.

Some tips are shared below to help you select the best domain name.

Tips to Choosing the Right Domain Name

1. Choose .com Extension at the End

A .com domain is one of the most credible and established domain extensions.

There are a variety of extensions that are available such as .com, .ne, and .org. However, sticking with .com is the right thing to do. A .com domain is one of the most credible and established domain extensions. Newer domain extensions such as .photography, .blog etc can be really untrustworthy.

Many users already have a habit of typing “.com” at the end of every domain. In case of a different extension such as abc.net, typing in abc.com will result in an error page. Although you can have this issue resolved through a redirect, it is always better not to take such risks in the first place by sticking with .com at the beginning.  Last, but not the least, smartphones also have a .com button included in their keyboard.

2. Using Keywords

Select a domain keeping SEO tips in mind. Try to select a domain that has keywords in it. Such domain names share what a search engine is about. Good user experience with quality content also helps in a higher Google ranking.  However, it is not easy to find a good domain name with the targeted keywords. You will have to be creative and select keywords in between words to have your domain stand out from the rest of the domain names.

3. Keep It As Simple and Short As Possible

Try to select a domain name that is short and simple. It is better to choose a domain that is memorable and short. Keep domain names under 15 characters. Large domains are not only difficult to remember but are also prone to typos. This can result in traffic loss. This is why it is always a good idea to keep the domain name short.

4. Must be Easy to Spell and Pronounce

Your domain name must be easy to spell and pronounce.

Your domain name must be easy to spell and pronounce. You do not know when you will have to share it with someone privately. It must be easy to understand and spell for all listeners.

5. Must be Unique

A domain name must be unique to stand out from the rest. Research other blogs in your niche to see which domain names they are using. Choose a name that is consistent with your brand. Brand-able domain names are catchy, memorable and unique. For instance, “google.com” is brand-able then “yoursearchengine.com.”

6. Do Not Use Hyphens

Avoid hyphens if possible. Hyphens are a sign of spam domains and must be avoided, as they have the tendency to give the wrong impression to potential users. Domain names containing hyphens are also prone to typing errors. Your users may well be redirected to a domain without hyphens if you choose the one with hyphens.

7. Do Not Use Doubled Letters

As with hyphens, it is always best to avoid domains with double letters. This may also increase in traffic loss due to typos. For example, do not select a printingpresssetup.com as this will lose out on potential traffic due to the possibility of typos.

8. Must be Relevant to Your Niche

Select a domain name that is relevant to your niche.

It is always good to select a domain name that is relevant to your niche. However, do not limit your options. For instance, you can choose a domain name such as wordpresstips.com but then want to blog about other content management systems etc. This may prevent users or visitors interested in other web development systems.

Although a WordPress website can be moved to a new domain, it requires additional work and can become frustrating at times. This is why keeping the above-mentioned tips will help you in selecting the right domain name for the success of your website.

Choose The Right Place for Registering a Domain Name

There are multitudes of domain and hosting name registrants available on the web. Similar to web hosting, domain registrations start at $9 and go up to $24 a year. GoDaddy is one of the best places to register your domain name. Some other company names include: “Bluehost, SiteGround, and iPage etc.”

You can also buy a web hosting package from GoDaddy or other domain registration agencies if the cost suits you. You can also get coupon codes to get discount offers and cheaper domain name registrations and transfers.

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